Tuesday, November 28, 2006

Monica went to the beach and she saw....

I went to the beach this past weekend for lunch with my sister and ended up taking some pictures (click on them to see them bigger). This is what I saw:

A neat bird. I was walking along the beach with my sister, and we were approaching the end of the beach, and there were some men standing on those rocks you see in the background looking onto the beach (which is obviously private, this being a Middle Eastern country and all) I went to tell her that we shouldn't be walking towards these men but it came out like this; "Sarah, do you realize we're walking towards-a pelican!" Ok ok it's not a pelican, but it's a cool looking bird. In this picture it also looks like a dinosaur.

A crab hiding from me. This beach is FULL of crabs, it's crazy, but they're skittish little buggers. I was lucky to even get this picture.

Some barnacles close up:

(That is what they are, yeah?)

And some far away:

I like how in this picture one rock has absolutely none on top of it. It's strange, right?

And, apparently I like to take pictures of shells lodged in the sand:

I promise I'll learn to write for my next post and maybe even cook. I swear I can do more than take mediocore pictures. So let's hope my one reader in Texas (props to you for being vegan btw) doesn't give up on this blog lol. So yeah, I'll try harder!

Saturday, November 25, 2006

Photo extravaganza!!

I know it's been forever since I posted (but what does it matter, not like I have any readers..). Work's been tough, I started a drama club at my school so that's been taking up some time. I also had an exam a couple days ago that I was busy studying for.. I haven't been up to much these days. Been doing some cooking here and there (made some chocolate chips cookies for a friend's party a week or so ago and everyone was shocked that they were vegan so that was fun) but nothing special.
I've got lots of pictures to share with y'all today:

Me and my sister on Halloween: She's a mouse and I'm a cat in case you can't tell... We threw these "costumes" together in a couple minutes and went on to have a delightfully dull Halloween..

Here are my friends, rapping up a storm... this was their first performance and they were great. I've been saying they should get a myspace or something, but there's nothing like that up yet... as soon as you can get their music online I'll definately link it here...

I made some soup the other day, this is simple; canned tomatoes, red and white lentils, brown rice, onions, celery, spinach, potatoes, and some frozen veggies (corn, green beans, peas, carrots) and some spices... Not bad considering we have no food in the house...

Here's my sister again, she's wearing gucci sunglasses. Yeah, that's pretty much the point of this picture. (no, they aren't hers lol)

So yeah, this is what I've been up to the past while... I have some beach pictures I want to share, but I'll do that in another post, this one has enough pictures I think...

OH almost forgot about this one; this happened right in front on my house on the worst day I've ever had ever, which also happened to be the day I left for Jordan (did I mention I went to Jordan? I don't have the pictures yet so I haven't posted about it) Anyways I guess this guy was having a bad day as well:

It's a nice Mustang too... people here should learn to drive..