Monday, March 20, 2006


My cold is pretty much over, aside from a lingering cough. And I think that's not so much a cold, it's more my body rediscovering my asthma. Which sucks. I went for years using my inhalor only every few months, and now I'm using it every day. Geez. Let's hope I get over this soon.

In terms of food, I've been thinking about soy a lot these days. Soy is such a debated topic, and I tend not to believe most of the apparent problems. Basically, I think you should go for everything in moderation, and obviously not feed soy to young children as it's a common allergin. But I'm not sure how moderate I've been with it lately, is all. I started using my soy protien powder in shakes (with frozen strawberries, bananas, soymilk and a pinch of vanillin) and I've basically been living off leftover lasagna the past couple days (made with homemade tomato veggie sauce and textured soy protien, with spinach instead of cheese, since soy cheese is nonexistant here), cereal with soy milk, even my Boca products are soy-based. So yeah... I need to vary my protien sources again, I go through phases, and I should start with my beans and lentils again. I actually found a bean recipe I like, which is awesome since I hate beans, so hopefully I'll make that and have it with some rice tonight.

Another hot topic these days? People being designed, or however you want to word it, to eat meat. I don't understand why people are so proud of their canines, using them as evidence of our bloody destiny. I was reading about this and of course I went straight to a mirror to check out my teeth. And guess what? I think I'm a natural vegan because my canines are basically flat! Yep, there's no way I could tear into a raw cow with those pathetic little things. Either everyone else is like this, or I'm evolved. I hope I'm evolved, that would be cool.

Oh oh oh! I almost forgot! I took my English exam yesterday and I'm pretty sure I aced it. Well, maybe not aced, but I'm pretty sure I passed. And that's good enough cause it's only worth 30% of my final grade, and my grade going into the exam was something like 96% so as long as I pass the exam, I'm safe.

I've been hiccupping pretty much the whole time I've been writing this, gosh it's annoying. I'm going to go hold my breath for awhile, and then do some math.

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