Saturday, February 25, 2006

Up before noon, wow!

I started my "plan" today. Finally. I got out of bed before noon for the first time in over two weeks, and started the day off right with a pb&j toasted sandwich (on cute little brown bread) After that, I had a walk. It's been FREEZING lately! Well, freezing for this country, at least. Last night I wore track pants underneath my pj bottoms, a tank top and two baggy t-shirts overtop, and two pairs of socks! Of course, I wasn't that bundled up for my walk, but I came close. I kept both pairs of socks on, put my "yoga pants" (leggings, basically) on under my jeans, and wore a jacket over my sweater over my long-sleeved shirt. See the picture? PUDDLES!!! Not too common here.

I'm glad nobody's visting us now, because they'd think we totally lied about the weather. I've been told that in a couple days this rainy-ness will clear up and I'll experience my first Middle Eastern summer.

In more important news... My food situation for today: not so great thus far. I made fried potatoes after my walk, and they were not delicious, as evidence shows:

I DIDN'T EVEN FINISH THEM!! If you know me, you know I love my carbs, especially potatoes and will almost always finish them. Got a plate of lukewarm mediocore french fries you don't want? I'll eat them!! So the fact that I didn't finish these is significant. The spices were weird, I think it's cause I prepared and mixed them with the potatoes the night before, and added some green onions. And I thought I was being so efficent last night. Oh well...

For lunch today I'm going to have soup... I really want instant crap, but I know I should eat some of my frozen homemade lentil-vegetable soup. With the lentils and whole-wheat noodles, it's a complete protien for my vegan self, and it's yummy but sometimes freeze-dried sodium just calls to you.

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