Thursday, March 09, 2006

playing with flax and nutritional yeast :)

I wanted to wait until I'd finished my schoolwork to post this, and then realized my cookies were disappearing too fast and it was now or wait until the next time I make these. Which, believe me, will be very soon.

I got my foods from Canada yesterday; soy protein powder (like the bodybuilders use, hellz yeah lol), nutritional yeast, and flax seeds. I was hanging out in the kitchen and decided to taste the flax seeds. Just plain.
I decided I liked them, they tasted a bit like wheat germ and would taste good with oatmeal, and oatmeal tastes best in cookies! So making oatmeal-flax cookies became my second mission of the day.
Those are the four I managed to round up (I ate one right after I took this picture too)

I used the quick oatmeal cookie recipe from The Joy of Cooking (that cookbook is nowhere near vegan, but I still adore it) I just replaced the eggs with banana and baking powder and obviously soymilk for the milk. Then I just dumped in the flaxseeds. The banana added a touch of extra flavour that was really good, and worked perfectly as as egg replacement.

I had a couple of friends over at the time, and these cookies were being eaten as fast as they came out of the oven. I made about five cookie sheets full, and when I pulled the last ones out of the oven, there were maybe three left from the first four sheets.

My other cooking adventure yesterday: nutritional yeast sauce!

I used:
1/2 c soymilk
1/4 c nutritional yeast
some olive oil.. about 1/4 tsp I'd guess

quite a bit of garlic powder and pepper

I just heated the stuff and when it came to boil, I added a cornstarch and cold water mixture to thicken it a bit.

Then I ate it the best way you can eat anything; out of a huge mixing bowl with my friend, each of us with our own spoon, and other people wandering in and taking some too.

This was a hit with everyone too, especially since I made it before the cookies. It made about four cups of cooked pasta, and there was only a small bowl of leftovers for lunch today.

I love feeding people, it's an instict I have I think... it just makes me happy. And it makes me even happier to fill up someone's stomach with healthy(ish) cruelty-free food, replacing whatever omni meal they would've eaten instead. One less serving of meat for at least three people every couple days... it's gotta add up, right?


Mandy said...

Oooh, those look great!

Just a hint: grinding up flax (in a coffee grinder or blender) makes the nutrients (such as healthy omega-3's) more accessible for our bodies. Sure, the flax seeds look great in the cookies - you can always add some whole ones for show.

xsparklerx said...

Oh thanks :) I didn't know that, I'll be sure to grind some next time...