Sunday, March 05, 2006

Things to do...

I've been up to my ears in schoolwork lately (and still am actually, so I shouldn't even be writing this) so I haven't been as productive as I should be. So here's a list of what I'm planning to do as soon as ancient history gets off my back:
-Stock up my freezer even more. I think I have some squirrel genes in me somewhere because I feel so secure having a freezer full of food. Right now it's full of homemade yummies like soup, fries, pasta and rice (with sauce mixed in) and some individual sauce portions as well. Also, I finally found some vegan food so my freezer has some Boca burgers and chick'n patties (after not even having tofu for six months, I was so happy to see a store here stock these products for the first time). Oh, and I've got some frozen corn, spinach, and beans... But it's not enough for Squirrely Monica, no way. So next up I want some treats (banana ice cream maybe? And sliced frozen bananas rolled in oats and drizzled with chocolate... mmmm...), I bought a loaf of brown bread to french toast and freeze, also I want to make some pizza pockets and veggie fried rice. I hope my freezer will be big enough. Oh!! And I'm getting a bunch of veg foods from Canada in a couple days, so I'll be experimenting with nutritional yeast and fun things like that. I'm craving mac 'n cheese, let's see if this nutritional yeast is as good as everyone says...
Oh, anyone have any ideas of what to do with my huge container of black beans? I'm thinking of throwing together a soup, or maybe chilli... but if you can think of something better, let me know? Thanks :)

-Clean my room! When my room is clean, it's awesome, I love it:

Unfortunately it is looking nothing like this these days. In fact, to be completely honest, I think I've managed to get sand in my bed. I know I live in the desert, but really, that's not much of an excuse. I mean, I didn't end up with pinecones in my bed back in Canada. I really need to work on this.

-Paint a picture. I haven't done that in forever, and as you can see from the above picture, I have an easel with a blank canvas set up. Having that sitting there makes me feel like a poser, so I really need to paint something soon. I also need new brushes, but I can work with what I have, so I should.

-Meditate! I shouldn't have to make time for this, it should be routine... It was for awhile too, brush my teeth, wash my face, meditate, go to sleep. And while I was doing that, I felt so at peace with myself and other people (even those who I thought I would never be able to forgive or be friends with again), I was generally happier, I slept better than ever, and even felt fully rested on four hours of sleep (not that I do that very often). I don't understand why I stopped. It would be like my stopping my veganism now that I've seen all the postive effects... stupid and pointless. I think I'll start that again tonight, hopefully.

...I think that's all, but I feel like I'm missing something.

-Oh yeah! I need to get my butt back to the gym now that I'm eating properly and my body can handle it.

So there's my plan, but I've got quite a bit of work to do first. So yeah, don't hold your breath...

1 comment:

Anonymous said...